Statistical calculation forms [Descriptive statistics] 1. Statistical calculation form for descriptive statistics 1. Statistics by "one variable" are calculated. Distribution is arbitrary. Total frequency, Maximum value, Minimum value, Total(weighted), Mean, Total of square, Mean of square, Total variation, Variance, Relative variance, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Mean deviation, Relative mean deviation, Mean of third power, Third moment(around mean), Skewness, Absolute third moment, Third kurtosis, Mean of fourth power, Fourth moment(around mean), Kurtosis(ratio of moments), Kurtosis(minus 3), Geometric mean, Harmonic mean. 2. Statistical calculation form for descriptive statistics 2. Statistics by "two variables" are calculated. Distributions are arbitrary. Total frequency, Maximum of x, Minimum of x, Maximum of y, Minimum of y, Total of x(weighted), Total of y(weighted), Mean of x, Mean of y, Total variation of x, Total variation of y, Variance of x, Variance of y, Standard deviation of x, Standard deviation of y, Coefficient of variation of x, Coefficient of variation of y, Total covariation of x and y, Covariance of x and y, Correlation coefficient of x and y, For a regression line y=a+bx, a, b, Coefficient of determination. 3. Statistical calculation form for descriptive statistics 3. Statistics by "three variables" are calculated. Distributions are arbitrary. Total frequency, Maximum of each variable, Minimum of each variable, Total of each variable(weighted), Mean of each variable, Total variation of each variable, Variance of each variable, Standard deviation of each variable, Coefficient of variation of each variable, Total covariations between variables, Covariances between variables, Value of covariance determinant(order of zxy) and its cofactors, Simple @correlation coefficients between variables, Partial correlation coefficients between variables, For the least squares regression plane z=a+bx+cy; a,b,c, Residual sum of z, Residual variance of z, Coefficient of determination of z for x and y, Multiple correlation coefficient of z for x and y. 4. Calculation form of intraclass correlation coefficient Number of data is up to 50. Number of variables is up to 9. Distributions are arbitrary. Total frequency, Total mean, Within variance, Between variance, Total variance, Intraclass correlation coefficient. @ [Inductive statistics] 1. Calculation form of estimates 1. Random variables are to be sample drawn independently with equal probability from an arbitrary population. Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Total frequency, Total of x(weighted), Mean(unbiased), Variance(unbiased), Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Variance of sample mean(unbiased), Standard error of sample mean, Variance of variance(un- biased), Standard error of sample variance, Third moment(around mean, unbiased), Skewness, Fourth moment (around mean, unbiased), Kurtosis(ratio of moments), Kurtosis(minus 3), Kutopsis(minus 3, Excel).@ 2. Calculation form of estimates 2. Random variables are to be sample drawn with uqual probability without replacement from an arbitrary finite population. Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Total frequency, Total of x(weighted), Mean(unbiased), Variance(unbiased), Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Variance of sample mean(unbiased), Standard error of sample mean, Variance of variance(un- biased), Standard error of sample variance, Third moment(around mean, unbiased), Skewness, Fourth moment (around mean, unbiased), Kurtosis(ratio of moments), Kurtosis(minus 3).@ 3. Calculation form of estimates 3. Two-dimensional random variables are to be sample drawn independently with equal probability from an arbitrary two-dimensional population. Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Total frequency, Total of x(weighted), Total of y(weighted), Mean of x(unbiased), Mean of y(unbiased), Variance of x(unbiased), Variance of y(unbiased), Standard deviation of x, Standard deviation of y, Coefficient of variation of x, Coefficient of variation of y, Covariance of x and y(unbiased), Correlation coefficient of x and y, For a regression line y=a+bx, a, b, Coefficient of determination of y. 4. Calculation form of estimates 4. In variables (xi,yi)(i=1,2,3,...,n), x is a variable that takes n known values xi and y is a random variable that takes n values yi drawn independently from n populations. Here E(yi)=a+bxi, and V(yi)=2, where a, b and 2 are common through all populations. a, b, 2, etc. are estimated by sample (xi,yi). Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Sample size, Mean of x, Mean of y, Total variation of x, Total variation of y, Total covariation of x and y, Correlation coefficient of x and y, Coefficient of determination of y, For a regression line y=a+bx, (unbiased for a), (unbiased for b), Sample residual sum of squares, Variance unbiased for common 2, Estimator for common standard deviation , Sample variance of (unbiased for V()), Sample standard deviation of , Sample variance of (unbiased for V()), Sample standard deviation of , Sample covariance of and (unbiased for Cov(,)), Sample correlation coefficient of and , For time series, Durbin-Watson statistic. 5. Calculation form of estimates 5 Three-dimensional random variables are to be sample drawn independently with equal probability from an arbitrary three-dimensional population. Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Total frequency, Total of each variable(weighted), Mean of each variable(unbiased), Total variation of each variable, Unbiased variance of each variable, Variance of each variable, Standard deviation of each variable, Coefficient of variation of each variable, Total covariations between variables, Covariances between variables(unbiased), Value of covariance determinant(order of zxy) and its cofactors, Simple correlation coefficients between variables, Partial correlation coefficients between variables, For the least squares regression plane z=a+bx+cy; a,b,c, Residual sum of z, Residual variance of z, Coefficient of determination of z for x and y, Multiple correlation coefficient of z and (x,y). 6. Calculation form of estimates 6. In variables (xi,yi,zi)(i=1,2,3,...,n), x and y are variables which take n known values xi and yi, respec- tively. z is a random variable that takes n values zi drawn independently from n populations. Here E(zi) =a+bxi+cyi, and V(zi)=2, where a, b, c and 2 are common through all populations. a, b, c, 2, etc. are estimated by sample (xi,yi,zi). Point estimations are available for any populations. Interval estimation necesitates the related probability distribution. Sample size, Mean of each variable, Total variation of each variable, Total covariations between variables, Covariances between variables, Simple correlation coefficients of variables, Value of covariance determinant(order of zxy) and its cofactors, Partial correlation coefficients of variables, For the least squares regression plane z=a+bx+cy; (unbiased for a), (unbiased for b), (unbiased for c), Sum of residual squares of z, Residual variance of z, Variance unbiased for common 2 and its standard deviation, Sample variances of ,, unbiased for their proper variances and their standard deviations, Sample covariances of the two of ,,(unbiased for their proper covariances), Sample correlation coefficients of the two of ,,, Coefficient of determination of z by x and y, Multiple correlation coefficient of z and x,y, For time series, Durbin-Watson statistic. [Statistical distributions] 1. Calculation form 1 for normal distribution Probabilities for given interval are obtained. 2. Calculation form 2 for normal distribution Related value for given area(probability) is obtained. 3. Calculation form 1 for t distribution Probabilities for given interval are obtained. 4. Calculation form 2 for t distribution Related value for given area(probability) is obtained. 5. Calculation form 1 for 2 distribution Probabilities for given interval are obtained. 6. Calculation form 2 for 2 distribution Related value for given area(probability) is obtained. Calculation of fundamental functions 1. Calculation of fundamental functions. Fundamental functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, gamma and beta function.