Granting trust for key validations

鍵の有効性に trustを与える

In addition to certifying that a key belongs to a specific person, you can also assign a level of trust to the user of the keys, indicating how well you trust them to act as an introducer to others whose key you may get in the future. This means that if you get a key from someone that has been signed by an individual that you certified his or her key would be considered valid even though you have not done the check yourself. To see how to grant trust for a key, click .

 鍵が特定の人のものであることを認証するだけでなく、鍵のユーザの信頼度を割り当てることもできます。こうしておけば、将来あなたが他の人から鍵を得たときに紹介者としてその人を信頼しているかを示すことができます。もしあなたが認証している個人によって署名された誰かの鍵を得たなら、その鍵は、自分でチェックをしなくても有効だと考えられるでしょう。how to grant trust for a keyを見るには、クリック。