- [Source]
- (1)"Population Projections for Japan:2001-2050",National Institute of Population and Social
Security Research, Research Series No.303, Estimated in January 2002, Middle. (2)Report of 2000
Population Census, Statistics Bureau of Japan.
- [Scale]
- Size of population by sex and age group is percentage of total population.
- [Play]
- Click when not playing.
- [Stop]
- Click when normally playing.
- [Normalize]
- Click when not normally playing or to initialize.
- [Rapidity]
- Click when not playing to change rapidity of animation.
- [Numbers]
- Click to see the numbers by sex and 5-year age group. Click will do when playing.
- [Transition]
- Click to see transition of total population until 2050. Click will do when playing.
- [Previous year],[Next year],[2000],[2050]
- Click when not playing.