An Approved Organization of
The Society for Testing English Proficiency,Inc.(STEP)


Nagoya STEP Association (NSA) is a non-profit, youth-at-heart organization dedicated to the improvements of English study,leadership development,and international friendship.NSA,established in March 1964,the year of the Tokyo Olympics,by Heiro Yamada and the late Isaburo Ichikawa of Nagoya,now has a membership of over 150 with diversified backgrounds from high school students to language professionals,in Aichi and its neighboring prefectures.While NSA is a regional organization with the authorization of The Society for Testing English Proficiency,Inc.(STEP) or "Eiken" accredited by the Ministry of Education of Japan, the nature of the coordination of the association is purely the independent voice of volunteers. Voluntary staff,experienced in language study and leadership cultivation in the community, will help individual members.
NSA presents various programs,such as lectures,workshops,arts of interpreting and translating,homestay,study tours,parties,out-door activities,consultations,technical assistances,and application service for STEP tests,as well as its three weekly English classes,described below.As for the circulation media,quarterly newsletter "NAS QUARTERLY" is mailed,in June,September,December,and March,to all registerd members.
初級・中級・上級からなる毎週の学習会を中心に、講演会やワ−クショップ、通訳、ホ−ムステイ、国際パ−ティ−、レクレ−ションなどによって自己啓発と相互啓発を図っています。会の機関紙には季刊の”NSA QUARTERLY”があり、定期的に会員に郵送されます。また実用英語技能検定試験(英検)の受験相談を始めとする各種のご相談にも応じています。本会の趣旨に賛同される方の入会を歓迎します。
1.Elementary English Class.                             英語クラス
     on Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 pm                                日時  毎週木曜日 7:00−8:30pm
     at the Aichi-ken Chusho-kigyo Center,(052)561-4121                会場  亀島コミュニティセンター(052)452-7928
     5 minutes east on foot from Nagoya terminal.                      交通  地下鉄東山線「亀島駅」下車4番出口左折60m
     Program: NHK Radio Eikaiwa-Nyuumon,Guest Hours,etc.               内容  NHKラジオ「英会話入門」ゲストアワ-(第4週)など
     Two-headed Leaders リ−ダ−(2人制):Masaki Kishida(052)935-6915,Toyoji Kunitachi(052)981-2929

4.Membership Dues 会費(April through March) 18 yrs & over 17 yrs & under Admission fee 入会金 \2,000 \2,000 Annual membership 年会費 \3,000 \2,000 Annual room rent 会場費 \5,000 \5,000 Total dues at admission 計 \10,000 \9,000
5.NSA Liaison Office 連絡先:「名古屋ステップ会・大角佳生(おおすみ・よしお)(052)443-8379
