Key size
The key size corresponds to the number of bits used to construct your digital key. The larger the key, the less chance someone will ever be able to crack it but the longer it will take to perform the decryption and encryption process. You will need to strike a balance between the convenience of performing PGP functions quickly with a smaller key and the increased level of security provided by a larger key. Unless the information you are exchanging is extremely sensitive and of enough interest to someone who would be willing to mount an expensive and time consuming cryptographic attack in order to read it, you are probably safe using a key composed of 2048 bits (a maximum of 1024 bits are used for the DSS portion of the Diffie-Hellman/DSS key).
key sizeはデジタル鍵を作るのに使ったビット数に一致します。鍵が大きければ大きいだけ誰かに破られる可能性は小さくなりますが、解読したり暗号化する過程でかかる時間は長くなるでしょう。小さい鍵で PGPの機能を実行する速さと大きな鍵でセキュリティのレベルを上げることとのバランスをとる必要があるでしょう。交換する情報が極秘のもので、しかもそれを読むのに費用も時間も惜しまないで解読するだけの価値のあるものでなければ、恐らく 2048 bitsで作成した鍵を使えば安全でしょう。(最大 1024 bitsまで、the Diffie-Hellman/DSS keyの DSS部分に使われます。)