投稿日: 2004/01/17(Sat) 11:28
投稿者惣田正明   <vem13077@nifty.ne.jp>


The nature of the process is truly characterized by Glaucon,
when he describes himself as a companion who is not good for
much in an investigation, but can see what he is shown, and
may, perhaps, give the answer to a question more fluently
than another.

Neither can we be absolutely certain that, Socrates himself
taught the immortality of the soul, which is unknown to his
disciple Glaucon in the Republic; nor is there any reason to
suppose that he used myths or revelations of another world as
a vehicle of instruction, or that he would have banished
poetry or have denounced the Greek mythology. His favorite
oath is retained, and a slight mention is made of the
daemonium, or internal sign, which is alluded to by Socrates
as a phenomenon peculiar to himself. A real element of
Socratic teaching, which is more prominent in the Republic
than in any of the other Dialogues of Plato, is the use of
example and illustration ('taphorhtika auto
prhospherhontez'): "Let us apply the test of common
instances." "You," says Adeimantus, ironically, in the sixth
book, "are so unaccustomed to speak in images." And this use
of examples or images, though truly Socratic in origin, is
enlarged by the genius of Plato into the form of an allegory
or parable, which embodies in the concrete what has been
already described, or is about to be described, in the
abstract. Thus the figure of the cave in Book VII is a
recapitulation of the divisions of knowledge in Book VI. The
composite animal in Book IX is an allegory of the parts of
the soul. The noble captain and the ship and the true pilot
in Book VI are a figure of the relation of the people to the
philosophers in the State which has been described. Other
figures, such as the dog in the second, third, and fourth
books, or the marriage of the portionless maiden in the sixth
book, or the drones and wasps in the eighth and ninth books,
also form links of connection in long passages, or are used
to recall previous discussions.


タイトルRe: 第17回
投稿日: 2004/01/25(Sun) 15:17
投稿者惣田正明   <vem13077@nifty.ne.jp>
> 第17回テキスト
> ---はじめ---
> The nature of the process is truly characterized by Glaucon,
> when he describes himself as a companion who is not good for
> much in an investigation, but can see what he is shown, and
> may, perhaps, give the answer to a question more fluently
> than another.


> Neither can we be absolutely certain that, Socrates himself
> taught the immortality of the soul, which is unknown to his
> disciple Glaucon in the Republic; nor is there any reason to
> suppose that he used myths or revelations of another world as
> a vehicle of instruction, or that he would have banished
> poetry or have denounced the Greek mythology.


> His favorite
> oath is retained, and a slight mention is made of the
> daemonium, or internal sign, which is alluded to by Socrates
> as a phenomenon peculiar to himself.


> A real element of
> Socratic teaching, which is more prominent in the Republic
> than in any of the other Dialogues of Plato, is the use of
> example and illustration ('taphorhtika auto
> prhospherhontez'):


> "Let us apply the test of common
> instances."


> "You," says Adeimantus, ironically, in the sixth
> book, "are so unaccustomed to speak in images."


> And this use
> of examples or images, though truly Socratic in origin, is
> enlarged by the genius of Plato into the form of an allegory
> or parable, which embodies in the concrete what has been
> already described, or is about to be described, in the
> abstract.


> Thus the figure of the cave in Book VII is a
> recapitulation of the divisions of knowledge in Book VI. The
> composite animal in Book IX is an allegory of the parts of
> the soul.


> The noble captain and the ship and the true pilot
> in Book VI are a figure of the relation of the people to the
> philosophers in the State which has been described.


> Other
> figures, such as the dog in the second, third, and fourth
> books, or the marriage of the portionless maiden in the sixth
> book, or the drones and wasps in the eighth and ninth books,
> also form links of connection in long passages, or are used
> to recall previous discussions.


> ---終わり---

投稿日: 2012/09/30(Sun) 04:00
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