Graph of equations x=acos(bt), y=csin(dt) . Click "Draw". Give values to a b,... and click "Draw".
Input values by keyboard, and click "Draw".
a,b,c,d are arbitrary.@Default values are a=3,@b=7,@c=3Ad=6 . a:Half width of drawing domain.
c:Half height of drawing domain. b and d:Density of lines. Different integers are better.
[D./L.]0:Drawn by dots. 1:Drawn by continuous line, default 1.
[Rap.]Rapidity index of drawing. 10 is fastest and default.
1 is slowest. Slow drawing will be useful to understand the equations.
[Def.]Varying interval of parameter. Default 0-6.283(2ƒÎ).
[Prec.]Varying step of parameter. Default 0.005. Too large or too
small value is not good. If the graph is not satisfactory, input 0 in [D./L.], click [Draw]
and correct arrangement of dots to form rough line by [Prec.]. After that, input 1 in [D./L.]
and the graph will be beter.
[y-axis]Distance of y-axis from left. Pixels. Left 0, Right 640. Default 310.
[x-axis]Distance of x-axis from top. Pixels. Top 0, Bottom 500. Default 260.
[Size]Width of gray grid lines. Pixels. Default 50.
[Coor.]Presentation index of coordinate system. 3:Full presentation,
2:Coordinate axes and major grid lines, 1:Coordinate axes only, 0:Nothing.
Red marks on the axes: Origin and unit.
Names of abscissa x and ordinate y are erased when the origin moved.