
 Available shortcuts in IrfanView:


   Key(キー):      Function(機能):

   +           Zoom In
   -           Zoom Out
   A           About-Box dialog
   CTRL + A       Acquire
   B           Batch Conversion dialog
   C           Capture dialog
   CTRL + C       Edit -> Copy
   CTRL + SHIFT + C   Set as wallpaper - centered
   D           Edit -> Delete
   CTRL + E       Effects setup

   F           Best fit to desktop
   CTRL + F       Open first file in the directory
   G           Stop GIF or ANI animation
   SHIFT + G       Gamma correction
   H           Horizontal flip
   CTRL + H       Original size (no zoom)
   I           Image information
   K           Filter Factory dialog
   L           Rotate left
   CTRL + L       Open last file in the directory

   M           Minimize IrfanView window (Boss key ;-)
   CTRL + M       Open random image from the directory
   CTRL + N       Show next page in a multipage TIFF
   O           Open dialog
   P           Properties dialog
   CTRL + P       Show previous page in a multipage TIFF
   SHIFT + P       Print dialog
   CTRL + SHIFT + P   Set as wallpaper - previuos wallpaper

   R           Rotate right
   CTRL + R       Resample dialog
   SHIFT + R       Reopen file
   S           Save as - dialog
   CTRL + S       Save - dialog
   T           Thumbnails
   CTRL + SHIFT + T   Set as wallpaper - tiled
   U           Refresh (display and directory list)
   V           Vertical flip
   CTRL + V       Edit -> Paste

   F3          Show image in HEX viewer
   F1          Help
   INSERT        Edit -> Paste
   W           Slideshow dialog
   CTRL + W       Slideshow with current directory files
   CTRL + X       Edit -> Cut
   CTRL+ Y        Edit -> Crop
   CTRL+ Z        Edit -> Undo
   Space         Load next file in directory
   Backspace       Load previous file in directory

   CTRL+ Page Down    Load next file in directory
   CTRL+ Page Up     Load previous file in directory
   Page Down       Load next file in directory (if no vertical scrollbar)
   Page Up        Load previous file in directory (if no vertical scrollbar)