Remember Window Position
Check this if you want CyberKit to remember its window position. This way CyberKit will start where you last left it.
Remember Last Function
Check this if you want CyberKit to remember the last used function. This way CyberKit will start with the last used function.
Smart Address Splitting
Check this if you want CyberKit to automatically split addresses at the @ sign when entered in the finger or whois client. This is very useful when you paste email addresses in the host or query field. CyberKit will also filter the host name out of an url (http://... or ftp (ftp://... address if you enable this option.
これをチェックしておけば、fingerや whoisのクライアントでアドレスを入力したとき、@マークでアドレスは自動的に分割されます。ホストの Eメールアドレスや検索フィールドを貼り付ける時には、とても便利です。また、CyberKitは、このオプションを有効にしてあれば、url (http://...や ftp (ftp://...アドレスからホストネームも取り出すでしょう。
Minimize To Tray (not available on Windows NT 3.51 and lower)
Check this if you want CyberKit to minimize to the tray. CyberKit will add an icon to the tray and when you minimize CyberKit, it will remove itself from the task bar. The icon will show a little lightning flash whenever CyberKit is doing something. The color of this lightning flash indicates what is happening:
Yellow: A client function is active (ping, traceroute, etc.)
Green: CyberKit is checking for new mail.
Blue: CyberKit is keeping your connection alive.
Red: CyberKit is dialing your connection.
最小化してトレイにおく(Windows NT 3.51以前のバージョンでは無効)
黄色:クライアント機能(ping, tracerouteなど)が作動しています。
青色:Keep Alive機能が働いています。
(lightning flash=稲妻の閃き)
If you left click on the tray icon, CyberKit will restore itself to its last position.
If you right click on the tray icon, you will get a popup menu from which you can choose a function like: restore to ping, Check for Mail, etc. Also you can dial your dialup connections from here.
トレイのアイコンを右クリックすれば、ポップアップメニューが現れ、pingや Check for Mailのような機能を選んで復元できます。また、ここからダイアルアップ接続をすることもできます。
Finger Firewall
If you have to use a firewall for finger, enter it here.
Finger Firewall
Whois Firewall
If you have to use a firewall for whois, enter it here.
Whois Firewall
Send KeepAlive Messages
Check this if you want CyberKit to keep your connection alive. The second light above the 'Go' button indicates the status of this function.
Send every x minutes
Specify the interval between keep alive messages.
Use host
Specify the host to connect to. CyberKit will ping this host periodically. If you leave this field blank, keep alive will not work.
接続するホストを設定します。CyberKitは、このホストに定期的に pingをかけます。ここを空白のままにしておくと、keep alive機能は働きません。
Create a trace file
If you check this CyberKit will create a small log file in the CyberKit directory. The name of the log file is KeepAlve.log. You can use any editor to view this log file. This can be very useful to track down problems with this function.
trace fileを作成する。
CyberKit, copyright 1996-1998 by Luc Neijens